I'm trying really hard to update this every week, at least once. This week I was a little preoccupied with something that I wasn't expecting... yet. Don't get too excited, nothing "bad" or "good" happened, but we did get some interesting news this week...
But really, we got a call from the company we ordered our baby furniture from and they decided to choose the 8 of "your furniture will be delivered in 8 - 16 weeks"... So it is being delivered on Tuesday (like in less than two days from right now) Cool, right? WRONG! We were going to use that extra few weeks to get up the motivation to put up crown molding in the baby's room, the guest bathroom, and the guest room (these and the kitchen are the only rooms that didn't have it when we bought the house) So, I got to learn how to install crown molding this weekend... I'm fairly handy (nothing like my dad or even my younger brother Dusty, but for not working too much with wood and never working on a construction crew... I can hold my own and learn fairly quickly) Crown is easy to install once you get the hang of it... unless... you have any vaulted ceilings, then "angles" start getting involved, and I am not an "angle person". I hate geometry and now hate crown molding! Anyway, it turned out nicely and even looks decent before caulking and painting... these pictures were takne from a cell phone. Now if we can only get that brown to change to a pink or blue all by itself...
I bet the people that you bought the house from found out they hate putting up crown molding as well, and that is why not all the rooms had it. Looks good though, you might be a handyman afterall.